Ecg Detection Algorithm built by experts

Save significant resources by integrating our algorithm for beat detection and classification.

You can save money by focusing on what you do best.

Get to market quicker.

We've developed ECG algorithms that can be integrated with any type of ECG devices.

Leverage our huge investment at an affordable price.

All the years of research, development and testing has resulted in a proven algorithm that just works.

Our software, combines innovative design and advanced algorithms for cardiac signal analysis. It can be used in identifying R-wave, Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC), Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Pause, and Atrial Fibrillation (AF).

Integrating Peregrine's analysis software, you get access to world class performance, low memory footprint, at a minimum of CPU cycles, ideally suited for real-time analysis, even for low power devices, but powerful enough to use on a DSP or PC.


ECG Monitoring

Peregrine has designed and developed an ECG Analyzer Algorithm that provides beat detection and rhythm analysis of ECG recordings. We also provide customized algorithms to manufacturers of ECG devices. Our algorithms are created according to our customer requirements, and adapted to work with your specific hardware needs.

Unlike other companies, our software can be integrated with any ECG A2D device and doesn't require any training or tuning. It is ideally suited for low power and has a small RAM and ROM footprint.

Our ECG Algorithms is scalable for use in a wide range of devices, and can be customized to provide a solution for any of your analysis needed.


Detection and Classification of:

  • R-wave
  • PVC
  • Bradycardia
  • Tachycardia
  • Pause
  • Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Detection

No training needed.

  • This means your product does not need to warm up or match templates or require any manual intervention of any kind. The algorithm just works, immediately and accurately.
  • This also means you don't need to feed in any data from your device to build up our algorithm. All we need is your data format and the algorithm will immediately work with any data that your device generates.

Noise Rejection

  • Minimize the False Positives that plague many other systems

Multi-Channel or Single-Channel analysis

  • You may choose super low power with great performance using just a single channel, specifically Se=99.83 +P=99.85 on the 48 records of the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database
  • Or you may choose to analyze multiple channels using the full power of the algorithm to ensure optimal results (Se=99.86 +P=99.85 on the MIT) no matter what quality of data is acquired.

About Us

Peregrine has decades of experience working with ECG signals and their analysis. The algorithm that we've created is versatile, well-suited for a wide range of uses and devices. If your hardware runs on powerful microprocessors or low power, mobile embedded devices, Peregrine has the solution for you.

Peregrine has applied its vast expertise and extensive research to create a best in class solution to provide you with accurate, real time, monitoring analysis.

Our proprietary algorithm and services employ time-tested methodologies and procedures to ensure your regulatory process proceeds smoothly.

If you have any questions about our products and services, please contact us.

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